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3. Other Items to Make Your Day More Comfortable

These are items which are far from essential, but that can be very nice and may help make your day more comfortable.

3.  Other Items to Make Your Day More Comfortable

In no particular order:

Something to clean your visor or goggles with.
Perhaps some safety glasses to use as a backup instead.
A spare pair of gloves in case yours get wet or muddy.
For base layers please apply the principle of layering - we will not be moving fast, and you may get hot.
If the weather is forecast to be particularly cold or wet please consider a waterproof over jacket (for the reasons given above you will probably not use it, but better to have it and not need it).
If you have a camelbak style drinks bladder please bring and use it, we will be taking regular breaks but it can be nice to have a drink with you.

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